Tag Archives: Looking up

An iPad Painting a day #APAD

Here’s a 3 minute slide show of my 2014 daily iPad paintings.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8k7YjQQ3Qg?list=UUtD1dwhKLkDFrNFrBSwsV5A]

And if you’ve got nothing better to do, follow this link to see the same video over 30 minutes


That way you have some time to see the paintings.

Alternatively you can just look at the A Painting A Day page on my website

I might be moving studio, but I’ve still been doing my daily iPad paintings

Danny Mooney 'Walking with my baby 19/3/2014' Digital painting
Walking with my baby 19/3/2014

It’s very nice to have a continuing artist project that I can do even when my studio is temporarily unusable.

Danny Mooney 'From the Hastings Arts Forum 20/3/2014' Digital painting
From the Hastings Arts Forum 20/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Calm sea 18/3/2014' Digital painting
Calm sea 18/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Studio window - Last picture 17/3/2014' Digital painting
Studio window – Last picture 17/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Street cleaners 16/3/2014' Digital painting
Street cleaners 16/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Marlborough Court 15/3/2014' Digital painting
Marlborough Court 15/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Holden's & Co 14/3/2014' Digital painting
Holden’s + Co 14/3/2014
Danny Mooney 'Fog: Marine court 13/2/2014' Digital painting
Fog: Marine court 13/2/2014
Danny Mooney 'The Little Larder 12/3/2014 Digital painting
The Little Larder 12/3/2014