‘Summer Holiday’ Oil painting on suitcase lid 54 x 41cm
‘The St Leonard’ Oil on Stainless steel panel 51 x 36 cm
‘Summer Holiday’ Oil painting on suitcase lid 54 x 41cm
‘The St Leonard’ Oil on Stainless steel panel 51 x 36 cm
Here’s some more of my expressionistic portraits of people. A prize if you guess who anyone is!
I’ve made a painting of our glorious MP, Amber Rudd. I loved the way she was photographed outside number 10 looking both ghoulish and priministerial.
Mixed media on stainless steel panel
51 x 36 cm
I’ve been slowly working away that these abstracted expressionistic figures and portraits. I’ve been using household gloss, spray paint, oil paint and oil bars. They’re on a variety of substrates, from stainless steel panels through book covers to a table top.
A couple of freshly finished paintings.
‘In the nip’ Mixed media on plastic panel 52.5 x 70.5 cm on an old palette
‘Why I never became a dancer’ Mixed media on stainless steel panel 38 x 30 cm on cassette boxes.
Two more commissions from the Codgers, WAGs & Other friends show, (this time to my mum and dad). All proceeds to Mermaidsuk.org.uk
Black Belt
Mixed media on Stainless steel panel
38 x 30 cm
Mixed media on steel panel
49 x 33 cm
Just delivered.
Commissioned with the money going to www.mermaidsuk.org.uk
Thanks Olivia Yip and Philip Oakley.
Jarvis and Joe
Mixed media
95.5 x 95.5 cm
I’m using more and more household paint. It runs slowly creating interesting effects.
Mixed media on Stainless steel panel
38 x 30 cm
Happy times at Bob and Carol’s beach hut.
We laugh
Mixed media on Stainless steel panel
38 x 30 cm
Mixed media painting 175 x 71 cm