I’m now the artist in residence for Portland Education. My first job is traveling to Barbados for their Barbados 50 celebration.
Can’t believe it!
Look out for some new colours in my daily paintings soon.
Fishing, 31/10/16
Zena Edwards #2, 11/11/16
Zena Edwards #1, 11/11/16
Unleashed at the Kino, 10/11/16
Traffic lights, 2/11/16
The Other Band, 5/11/16
The Edge of St Leonards, 1/11/16
The distance between us, 5/11/16
The 1st rock delivery, 8/11/16
Sunday sail, 6/11/16
Stormy, 12/11/16
Sophie Bancroft , 10/11/16
Solomon OB #2, 11/11/16
Solomon OB #1, 11/11/16
Save Our Post Office, 5/11/16
Sara Colman #1, 10/11/16
Pale blue, 1/11/16
Orange fishing boat, 4/11/16
More rocks, 11/11/16
Liane Carol, 10/11/16
La Bella Vista, 12/11/16
Gulls, 10/11/16
Gull on the beach, 7/11/16
Grey sky, sun, 9/11/16
Early Morning, 3/11/16
Cafe Latte, 3/11/16
Big ships, 13/11/16
Anthony Anaxagorou #1, 11/11/16
Surface, Form and Content