I’ve been so busy for the last fortnight that I haven’t got around to uploading my paintings a day. Recently I have been experimenting with an extremely limited palette. This is with a view to making some images to be used on vitreous enamel signs to be used around St Leonards on Sea. Watch this space.
Bellas, 30/6/201411:23, 12/7/2014Blue sea, 11/7/2014Glimpse of sea, 8/7/2014Grey sea, 10/7/2014Hastings Castle, 3/7/2014McDonald’s car park, 6/7/2014Sea, 2/7/2014Seagull, 9/7/2014Tentertainment, 4/7/2014The Hawth, 5/7/2014Windsurfer, 1/7/2014