More hay bales, 11/8/2015
I’ve been away to France for 10 days, and it’s taken some time to process all my iPad paintings. Enjoy.
Sail, 29/7/2015
Bright pier 2, 28/7/2015
Bright blue sea and sails, 31/7/2015
White Cliffs, 3/8/2015
Blue sail, 30/7/2015
Tree, 8/8/2015
Rowing, 1/8/2015
Rocks, St Malo, 7/8/2015
Le vieux pont de Léhon, 9/8/2015
Le Prieuré, Lamballe, 8/8/2015
La Rance, 10/8/2015
Hay bales, 5/8/2015
Field, 4/8/2015
Evening light, Fautrel, 6/8/2015
Cows in the evening, 8/8/2015
1st glimpse of France, 3/8/2015
Beach, 2/8/2015
Pier reflections, 17/8/2015
Miriam cooking, 12/8/2015
Ferry delays, 13/8/2015
Back in Blighty, 14/8/2015
Airbourne, 15/8/2015
The Bathing Hut Café, 16/8/2015
Surface, Form and Content