Tag Archives: Shopping

An iPad Painting a day #APAD

Here’s a 3 minute slide show of my 2014 daily iPad paintings.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8k7YjQQ3Qg?list=UUtD1dwhKLkDFrNFrBSwsV5A]

And if you’ve got nothing better to do, follow this link to see the same video over 30 minutes


That way you have some time to see the paintings.

Alternatively you can just look at the A Painting A Day page on my website

It’s illegal to draw in Priory Meadows Shopping Centre Hastings!

Danny_Mooney_HM_Priory_Meadows_2622014_Digital_painting.JPGFor today’s painting I thought I’d do some reportage painting. I liked the idea of taking the time to create a painting from life when so many people could just snap a picture on their camera phone. H&M are just fitting a new shop in Priory Meadows Hastings and I thought it would be good to capture the front being fitted. I was amazed to be asked to leave by the security guard as it was private property and I needed special permission to draw there!