Here’s last week’s paintings.
I’ve just arrived in Wales for a painting holiday, so expect lots more very soon
Koi pond, 3/7/16
Hastings Station, 27/6/16
Windsurfer, 25/6/16
Wet and miserable, 29/6/16
Danny Mooney ‘Lewes Castle, 2/7/16’ iPad painting #APAD
A typical English summer’s day, 1/7/16
Loads of boats, 28/6/16
Misty, 22/6/16
Danny Mooney ‘Pauline, 22/6/16
Danny Mooney ‘Rye signal box, 24/6/16’ iPad painting #APAD
Danny Mooney ‘Calm blue, 23/6/16
Love Cafe, 26/6/16
Surface, Form and Content