I’ve been away to France for 10 days, and it’s taken some time to process all my iPad paintings. Enjoy.

I’ve been away to France for 10 days, and it’s taken some time to process all my iPad paintings. Enjoy.
Here’s a 3 minute slide show of my 2014 daily iPad paintings.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8k7YjQQ3Qg?list=UUtD1dwhKLkDFrNFrBSwsV5A]
And if you’ve got nothing better to do, follow this link to see the same video over 30 minutes
That way you have some time to see the paintings.
Alternatively you can just look at the A Painting A Day page on my website
In advance of our major 2015 show, 4 On The Shore Artists Danny Mooney, Alison Purdy and Donna Fleming Hall offer a preview of their work throughout 2014.
I’m showing from 1st January 2014 – 16th April 2014
EAT @ The Stade, Rock-A-Nore Rd, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3