There’s been some more unusual boats to see off the St Leonards coast this week.
Tag Archives: Bexhill
Some very flat seas #APAD
I’ve also done some iPad portraits this week. They take quite a long time!
Madness and other paintings
I’m auctioning my painting ‘Madness on the pier’ for the St Michael’s Hospice Phoenix Appeal.
Please bid HERE
Lots of pictures on the pier #APAD
Pier pictures, and some studio oils from this year.
Another glorious week of sun #APAD
A mega upload. All my holiday paintings and more #APAD

I’ve been away to France for 10 days, and it’s taken some time to process all my iPad paintings. Enjoy.

An iPad Painting a day #APAD
Here’s a 3 minute slide show of my 2014 daily iPad paintings.
And if you’ve got nothing better to do, follow this link to see the same video over 30 minutes
That way you have some time to see the paintings.
Alternatively you can just look at the A Painting A Day page on my website
Still stormy Digital painting

Although not as bad as last night, the weather was still fairly grim when I visited The De La Warr Pavillion Café this morning. I made this painting on my Kindle Fire HD whilst having a coffee.
Danny Mooney ‘Still stormy’ Digital painting