Blue sky, 23/2/2016
An extra long February this year, so lots of time for painting.
Beach fishing, 18/2/2016
Leap day, 29/2/2016
Hastings pier in bright sun, 19/2/2016
Storm’s brewing, 21/2/2016
Rocks at low tide, 24/2/2016
Boats, bright sun, 15/2/2016
Yacht, 16/2/2016
Rattlebag, 19/2/2016
Wintery sea, 28/2/2016
View of the beach, 20/2/2016
Rainy day, 22/2/2016
Green sea and gull, 27/2/2016
Flat sea #2, 25/2/2016
Coming home, 17/2/2016
Far horizon, 26/2/2016
Flat sea #1, 25/2/2016
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